In our articles, we give you tips that you can use right now. We collect the best methods, good advice and guidance to create the perfect relationship between you and your dog. You are welcome to write to us if you have something specific you would like to read about in an article.

It’s fall – take care of your dog

It´s fall Take extra care of your dog The weather becomes more humid, the rain hits the windows, and autumn slowly shows its arrival. But what should we be aware of as dog owners in this season? Read on. Autumn Mushrooms, Chestnut Trees & Fallen Fruit The mushroom season officially starts around August/September. Especially puppies […]
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Wait & Stay

Wait & Stay Why you need to teach your to dog wait and stay.. At, we recommend training the dog to wait/stay. We use this command in all sorts of situations such as going out of the door, the garden gate, the car, when guests arrive, going to the vet, and during dog training. […]
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Should my dog chew on sticks?

Should my dog chew on sticks? It can be tempting for any puppy/dog to grab a stick on their walk or in the garden. Unfortunately, it can also become a habit, meaning that the dog may develop compulsive behaviors and chew on any sticks it comes across. It’s difficult to control all the sticks in […]
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Getting a second dog

Are you also considering adding a second dog to your family – but want to do it right? Whether you want an adult dog or a new puppy, there are some important considerations to take into account. Read our guide on what you should do when adding another new member to the family. Getting a […]
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When we get a new puppy, most people think that it’s extremely important to socialize it quickly. But what does healthy socialization of puppies actually mean and involve? Socializing What it definitely does not mean is that the puppy should be met with lots of dogs and people from the very beginning. Socialization also means […]
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It’s summer – take care of your dog

Summer time Take extra care of your dog Can my dog ​​have ice cubes? Dogs can tolerate ice cubes, but with some precautions. Ice cubes can get stuck in the wrong way and damage the teeth – so it’s about how the dog is served the ice cube. At, we recommend filling a kong […]
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Canine vaccination

Canine vaccination There are divided opinions about how often we should vaccinate our dogs. We have core vaccines that protect against canine distemper, leptospirosis, parvovirus, and infectious hepatitis. But we do not have core vaccines that protect against kennel cough, Lyme disease, herpes, and rabies. At, we recommend getting your puppy vaccinated with basic […]
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The dogs signals

Learn to recognize your dog’s signals, especially when your dog is trying to warn you about something. Your dog’s signals are important to know as a dog owner, as it can help you avoid unnecessary and potentially dangerous situations. The dogs signals By being able to read your dog’s signals, you can better understand and […]
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Water- & foodbowls

Water- & foodbowls Have you observed that your dog prefers to eat and drink from a specific bowl? It could be a glass bowl, ceramic bowl, plastic bowl, or metal bowl. It’s very individual from dog to dog which material the dog prefers to eat and drink water from. Perhaps you haven’t noticed it yet, […]
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Can I play with my dog?

“It is NOT your duty to control the dog – but your duty to teach the dog to control itself”, Henrik Ljungström. Learn more about how we recommend you play with your dog, how to separate dopamine from serotonin, and why one does not do any good for those who want a polite family dog. […]
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It’s spring – take care og your dog

Spring is coming and one cannot help but be happy as the temperature rises. However, with spring comes ticks and spring flowers – two things that are not good for your dog. Read on to find out more. Spring time Spring has arrived, and our lovely furry dogs are enjoying the warmer temperatures. Everything is […]
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The dog’s development phases

The development stages of a dog The developmental stages of dogs have been neglected in today’s dog training. Developmental stages are incredibly important as they provide the basis for how your dog will develop in the future, and thus lead to an understanding of how you should react and handle your dog. Without knowledge or […]
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The dog’s senses

The dogs senses Did you know that a dog’s sense of smell is 4 million times better than that of a human? Did you also know that a dog can differentiate between men and women based on their tone of voice? Their sense of smell is one of their most important characteristics, as dogs experience […]
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Urine markings

The general belief that urine markings is about marking a terroritory is actually wrong. ´When the dog urinates more than resonably – it is actually to mark the owners terriotory. With our REASOM METHOD you can train your dog to control it’s impulses. Read more here  Urine markings Urine marking is observed in both male […]
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Castration We see more disadvantages than advantages to castration. Castration results in many different side effects for your male dog, and we believe that careful consideration should be given before undergoing castration. Read on for more information. Castration: What to Consider If you are considering castrating your male dog, there are several things you should […]
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Tug-of-war? No thanks

Tug-of-war games are something that we see as a completely wrong game to play with your dog. Tug-of-war games awaken some of the dog’s inner instincts, and it can be dangerous in the long run if you do not train a stop button. The cortisol hormone grows in line with the games, and it only […]
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Click training

In, we use the clicker sound in a completely different way than traditional clicker training, which you may have heard of elsewhere. With the way we use our clicker sound, we enhance the dog’s serotonin levels, which are the happy hormones. Read more about how to use the clicker sound correctly. Clicktraining – this […]
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Contact saturation?

Contact saturation? Does your dog need space from you? We call it contact saturation, which often happens if you are available 24/7. This behavior particularly occurs among older dog owners and those who live alone with their dogs. But how does it affect the dog? Contact saturation happens when the dog is constantly the center […]
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Displacement behavior

Displacement behavior Displacement behaviors – what does it actually mean? You’ve properly experiences displacement behaviors with your puppy or younger dog. The dogs displacement behaviors is a sign of stress, that they will bring into their adult life, which can effect their futire behavior. But how do you stop a dog exhibiting displacement behaviors?   […]
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Do you have too high expectations for your puppy? We can describe how important it is that puppy training starts from the moment you put your new puppy on your floor for the first time. Only a few hours can start a negative spiral, which can take months to train out due to mishandling from […]
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A dog’s temperature

Do you know your dogs temperature? Does your dog have a fever? There are many symptoms that can be indicators that your dog has a fever, but the best way to get an accurate answer is to measure your dog’s temperature. Read more about dog fever symptoms here. When does my dog have a fever? […]
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How precise are you with your training?

How precise are you with your training? Are you precise enough in your training? When training a command with your dog or puppy, it is especially important that the dog performs the command correctly before receiving a reward. You should train for the situation and not in the situation, to avoid unwanted behavioral patterns. Avoid […]
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Inappropriate behavior

Inappropriate behavior With training, you can teach your dog to navigate the nuances of everyday life with the desired behavior. Unfortunately, we see that many do not achieve this success, and it ends up affecting the dog. It is your responsibility to teach the dog self-control. It is not your responsibility to control your dog, […]
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A dog’s learning

Are you unsure of how to handle your puppy’s learning? With our three-step guide, we make sure you start off right. Your puppy needs to be able to crawl before they can walk, which means starting with a strong foundation and solid communication. Read on for more. The learning phase Dogs work in pictures and […]
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The 3 phases

 The 3 Phases in the REASOM method At, we train according to our very own unique method, namely the REASOM method – Reward Energy and State of mind. In other words: reward and acknowledge the calm energy and state of mind. Together with the 3 phases and the REASOM method, we believe that you […]
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Do you know your dog’s signals and signs? Do you know when it is stressed or overstimulated? As humans, we are designed to interpret everything under the sun, and we tend to project our own signs onto our dogs and compare them. Would you like to understand your dog better?    Overstimulation is a common […]
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Do dogs have feelings?

Do dogs have feelings? Do dogs have emotions like us? Do they think the same way as humans in certain situations? Humans have a tendency to impose human emotions on dogs – and there are actually many reasons for this. Increased knowledge of the dog’s brain, development, and history can contribute to a better understanding […]
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let go of your dogs past

Are you clinging on to your dogs past? Have you adopted dog, which perhaps did not have the best conditions in the beginning of its life? Are you worried about the previous events that happened to the dog? Are you being overprotective of your dog? Too many worries can slow down your dog’s development. There […]
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Dogs & exercise

Your dog sprints around the dining table, and you can’t help but think, “oh, he needs to burn off some energy.” This is a very common, but incorrect statement. Tired dogs are NOT trained dogs. Bad habits need to be redirected, and dogs need to be guided in the right direction from 8 weeks of […]
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My dog barks

My dog barks Do you experience to a greater or lesser extent that your dog barks at stationary objects? There is actually a natural explanation for why your dog reacts the way it does. Here is our advice on what you can do if your dog barks at things. A dog’s senses are different from […]
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it’s winter – take care og your dog

Protect your dog against the cold When frost and snow arrive, the vast majority of roads in Denmark are salted to prevent icy conditions on sidewalks and roads. But what does this mean for our dogs’ paws? And how do I know if my dog needs a jacket to protect itself from the cold? When […]
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Euthanasia in Denmark

Euthanasia in Denmark The primary reason for euthanasia is either because the dogs have become old and no longer have a dignified life or because they are sick. In second place are behavioral problems. This is shown by a Danish study published as a scientific article in the Danish Veterinary Journal, which is the professional […]
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A calm state of mind

We teach the dog and the human to “control” their gears in order to create a calmness in the dog. Lets imagine the dog has 5 gears… When we train we aim to hit gear 0, which is the dog’s calm state. But how do we do it?   Enhance a calm state of mind […]
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Is my dog stressed?

Is my dog stressed? Stress is a physiological response to external stimuli that prepares the animal for an impending situation. Anxiety is triggered by external stimuli that can be recognized without prior experience. So how do you set the framework for your dog so that it comes into balance and avoids unnecessary amounts of stress […]
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Body Control

Let the Puppy Explore A log needs to be climbed and a crevice needs to be overcome. All these activities aim to teach the puppy to know its body, its capabilities and limitations, and to prepare it for its life as an adult. Our domestic dog puppies also show the same curiosity towards nature and […]
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Behavior theories

Etologists have explained behavior in many different ways. Models have been created with the purpose of making it easier for us to understand the behavior of living beings. But no model is perfect, which is partly due to the difficulty of a uniform definition of behavior. Learn a little about what the different terms mean […]
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Does your dog need a rolemodel?

Does your dog need a rolemodel? Dogs, like captive animals, actually do not need a leader. The survival of the pack depends on us who take care of them… Video not specified. Please select one to display. The Alpha – leader in larger packs In flocked animals that establish a hierarchy, there is often a […]
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Signals – Communicate with your dog

Signals Communicate with your dog Signals are communication, and dogs are incredibly good at both sending and receiving signals. So how do we make sure we send the right signals to create communication between the dog and the owner? Signals are signs that cause others to change behavior. It can be compared to human attitudes, […]
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Dangerous food for dogs

Dangerous food for dogs When talking about toxic dog food, we are referring to the food we have in our fridge and home. There are certain foods that we enjoy eating that can be very toxic and life-threatening for your dog. What kind of plants do you decorate your home with? There are several plants […]
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Aggressive behavior

Aggressive behavior We often interpret aggressive behavior with dogs fighting, which is not always the case. Aggressive behavior has many different faces in dogs…  Research on aggressive behaviour Research shows that aggressive behavior can relate to friendships and love between dogs, all the way back to when dogs and wolves lived in packs and met […]
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