Etologists have explained behavior in many different ways. Models have been created with the purpose of making it easier for us to understand the behavior of living beings. But no model is perfect, which is partly due to the difficulty of a uniform definition of behavior. Learn a little about what the different terms mean here...
Behavior theories
Behavior explanations according to biology, physiology and psychology
Behavior theories Behavior explanations according to biology, physiology and psychology Behavioral biology: 👉 Emphasizes the biological factors and explains behavior based on the functions and purposes of the living organisms
Behavioral physiology: 👉 Emphasizes physiological processes. Behavior is an observation in interaction between the different chemical processes that the individual's organism undergoes
Behavioral psychology: 👉 Explains behavior with the individual's environment and adaptation to changes in the environment that result in behavior changes, as survival requires new adaptations
Instinct theory: 👉 Explains behavior as a series of instinctive actions, that is, the ability to perform certain ready-made actions. When certain stimuli are present, the animal acts as it is programmed to
Motivation theory: 👉 Emphasizes initiating factors, such as hunger, fear, aggression, motivates the animal to hunt, flee, and attack. The biggest motivational factors are the drives, such as self-preservation, aggression, and sex. The drives utilize instincts, among other things, to meet their demands.
Stimulus-response theory: 👉 Views behavior as a response to certain stimuli. Some responses do not need to be learned, while others require learning and, among other things, the difference between conditioned and unconditioned reflexes arises
Conditioned behavior: 👉 Is the behavior that has been learned by combining an unlearned (unconditioned) stimulus with a learned (conditioned) stimulus. This behavior is related to reflexes. If I present a plate of food to a dog while ringing the doorbell, and I repeat this a number of times, I will achieve that the dog drools every time I ring the doorbell. Thus, we can combine something unlearned with something learned.
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