Contact saturation?
Does your dog need space from you?
We call it contact saturation, which often happens if you are available 24/7. This behavior particularly occurs among older dog owners and those who live alone with their dogs. But how does it affect the dog?
Contact saturation happens when the dog is constantly the center of attention and is never ignored. It does not need to keep an eye on you, nor does it need to initiate contact with you because you are constantly available. This can lead to challenges when the dog is left alone as an incorrect bonding can be formed.
Try to be less available and ignore your dog more, so that you become more valuable to the dog. In this way, you are chosen instead of rejected. It is important to have a good relationship with each other so that the dog is not only driven by instincts and ends up going in the wrong direction. A deeper relationship is never formed when demands are not placed on the dog. It will become a dog that is likely to have behavior problems in the long run. Avoid behavior problems by training communication and making demands on your dog.
It should never be one-way communication. See it as a win-win situation – you get something and the dog gets something. It's about mutual respect for each other – your dog will love you even more because communication will provide security and trust.
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