Spring is coming and one cannot help but be happy as the temperature rises. However, with spring comes ticks and spring flowers - two things that are not good for your dog. Read on to find out more.
Spring time
Spring has arrived, and our lovely furry dogs are enjoying the warmer temperatures. Everything is sprouting and popping up from the ground, especially spring flowers. Remember that almost all spring flowers, bulbous plants, are poisonous to dogs: this includes tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths, among others. Additionally, the small bloodsucking creatures also start to emerge, which can make any dog owner take their head in their hands.
When spring hits and temperatures rise above 7 degrees, ticks become active. Many people think that ticks only exist in forests and meadows, but unfortunately, they also exist in our residential neighborhoods and in cities, where they like to hide in lawns. There are about twenty species of ticks in Denmark, but only three are significant for animals and humans: the forest tick, the house tick, and the meadow tick. You should always check your dog after a walk, but ticks can be harder to find due to the fur.
If your dog is unlucky enough to have a tick, we recommend removing it with a tick remover. There are many household remedies, such as using margarine or alcohol, but you risk leaving the tick's head behind - and suddenly you are left with an infected wound that will require treatment from your veterinarian. Symptoms of a tick bite can include fever, fatigue, muscle aches, facial paralysis, and unsteady movement.
Get ahead of these pests and prevent your dog from being affected by tick bites - we recommend that you contact your veterinarian and discuss what prevention measures you can use for your dog. Some products may cause an allergic reaction in your dog, so it's important to talk to your veterinarian.
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Heartworm in Dogs Beware of heartworm & lungworm This insidious parasite can be difficult to detect, as some puppies and dogs do not show symptoms until it's too late. Heartworm is a parasite that has foxes, badgers, and dogs as the main host and mainly uses snails as an intermediate host. The parasite is more common in younger dogs as they explore with their mouths and chew on everything. We suggest submitting a test to your veterinarian every six months to get rid of this nasty parasite before it does too much damage to your puppy or dog. Watch out for the following symptoms of heartworm and lungworm: coughing, decreased endurance, shortness of breath or rapid breathing, decreased appetite and possibly weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea, depression, and sudden changes in behavior and balance.
On our daily walk or in the garden, our dogs may lick a leaf where the snail has been or eat a snail. If you walk in moist and shady areas, as well as places where foxes have left their excrement, the likelihood of getting this parasite is much greater. This parasite can cause many holes in their organs, leading to internal bleeding that can cause your dog to die if not diagnosed in time.
Avoid your dog getting heartworm and lungworm: try to avoid your dog eating or licking snails/snail slime and get your dog's feces tested regularly at the vet - at least 1-2 times a year. Collect your dog's feces in a bag for three days. This way, the vet can determine which worm is present. You submit the fecal sample to your veterinarian and will recieve information about their findings within a few days.

High season for fry
When spring announces its arrival, life swarms up from the forest floor. The same goes for wild animals. It's mating season. We are blessed with little baby rabbits, bird chicks, and small deer fawns that hide between the tall grass and bushes while their mothers are out foraging.
Always keep your dog on a leash when in nature and public places. During the breeding season, wild animals need peace - anything else would be irresponsible. Our dogs are born with a hunting instinct - when they look at the weighing scale, a cute little bunny kitten is a tasty snack - which they will undoubtedly prefer over a treat or their owner.
Show consideration and take care of our nature.
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