When we adopt one dog from one rescue center, shelter, or simply from another family, there are several things one should keep in mind before taking over the dog. The dog has one rear end no matter where it comes from. I am here with you.


Dog adoption

The back edge can be both positive and negative - it can actually poke in all sorts of directions. These things the dog carries with it like a backpack, and you need to empty that backpack - and figure out what is good and what is bad.

We may have learned a little about the dog, and here it is the previous owner's knowledge and how they view it as dog owners. It may not be reality at all; it might just be an assumption that you are taking on.

  • Where was the dog born?
  • Is the dog clean?
  • Can the dog be left home alone?
  • Has the dog lived in a regular house/apartment?
  • Has the dog seen various items like a television, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, furniture, etc.
  • Has the dog been for a walk?
  • Has the dog lived alone?
  • Has the dog experienced and seen different people as well as children?
  • Does the dog have resource guarding over food or people?
  • What has the dog experienced in the 3 critical developmental phases?
  • What has the dog actually learned?
  • Can the dog get along with other dogs, and has it been socialized?
  • If it's one street dog/mixed breed, what breed is it mixed with?
  • Has the previous owner engaged in bite work or drive games?
  • Has the dog been treated poorly?

If the dog is ignorant, it will be immature and NOT age-appropriate, which means being psychologically and mentally equivalent to its age. All dogs are ready to learn from 8 to 16 weeks, so it will take longer to teach an older, less knowledgeable dog alternatives.

It is important that we do NOT live in the dog's past and wrap it in cotton wool, because unfortunately, that won't make the dog any better. It will just become a hindrance going forward.

It's no longer a pity, and the dog can't use our feelings for anything.

It's about starting completely over and approaching it as if it were a puppy. The dog should get started as quickly as possible on laying a foundation so that it can feel secure in our surroundings. Dogs are good at adapting, especially when they have a good and healthy relationship with their owner. That means we need to bond correctly - and here, love is not enough.

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