Is your dog nervous about loud noises? So New Year's Eve isn't the best night for your dog.. If your dog is anxious about New Year's fireworks, this tip might help ease their nervousness. 

New Year's Eve anxiety?

Dogs can have bananas, especially banana tea. People also benefit from banana tea. Teen helps our brain release serotonin through the substance L-tryptophan. It is a neurotransmitter that alleviates anxiety and helps combat insomnia. Bananas, on the other hand, are also a good source of vitamins A, B, C, and folate.

Vitamins strengthen your immune system, skin, and red blood cells. It helps your body convert food into energy. Bananas also have a high potassium content.
Give your dog about a cup of banana tea in their food in the morning and evening. Start a few weeks before New Year's Eve if you live in an area where fireworks are often shot off. Start today and as needed going forward. Bananas can also be present during the hunting season, thunderstorms - or if your dog is nervous, anxious for a period of time. People can drink tea 40-60 minutes before bedtime.


Procedure for banana tea

  1. Buy organic bananas. Cut the ends off the banana, but do not peel it.
  2. Pour a liter of water into the pot and add the banana pieces.
  3. Boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the pot from the heat and let it steep for a couple of minutes. If you then remove the banana from the liquid, leaving only the tea, your dog should not have banana tea if it suffers from diabetes.

We always recommend training your dog to have a chest using our Reasom Method. But not all dogs get to have this chest, as they are in the midst of one of the critical developmental phases.
Become a part of our online universe and learn more about: The developmental stages of dogs.


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